microwave relay system

美 [ˈmaɪkrəweɪv ˈriːleɪ ˈsɪstəm]英 [ˈmaɪkrəweɪv ˈriːleɪ ˈsɪstəm]
  • 微波中继系统;微波接力通信系统
microwave relay systemmicrowave relay system
  1. Analog microwave relay system


  2. Microwave relay system using time division multiple


  3. Finally , excellent design of microwave relay system for the three stations is ac -


  4. OFDM ( orthogonal frequency division multiplexer ) microwave relay system using frequency division multiple


  5. The experimental receiver has been used in a microwave relay system for TV transmission and digital communication , with satisfactory performances .


  6. The digital microwave relay system is a wireless digital communication technology , which contains with high-frequency microwave technology , digital modulation , integrated digital multiplexing , computer control and communication technology .


  7. This paper presents the principles and characteristics of the following modules : power amplifier , phase modulator and up converter , which are used in the transmitter of1GHz microwave relay system .


  8. Code for construction of railway digital microwave relay communication system


  9. The analysis of digital microwave relay communication system for coast radio station


  10. Temporary regulation for design of synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH ) microwave relay telecommunication system engineering


  11. The microwave relay communication system had been build at NTSC in during initial period of 1980 ' s. Time and frequency transfer via the microwave system for more than 20 years .


  12. The discus - sion of the effect on multiplex telephone communication by noise of FM satellite communication sys - tem and microwave relay communication system is also included .


  13. This paper deals mainly with the project of high performance antenna with only sub-reflector modified and simple step dual mode conical horn as feeder source , and its practicable results have already achieved on antennas of microwave relay communication system .


  14. Microwave radio relay communication system


  15. Microwave filter is the absolutely necessarily components of modern microwave relay communication system , microwave satellite communications system , information countermeasure system , etc. It is also the most important and most techno-content microwave passive components , its performance always directly affect the quality of system .
